The subject site is located in Electoral Area C in Fraser Valley Regional District and consists of the following properties: 43837 Lougheed Highway 43873 Lougheed Highway, PID 012-051-853, PID 013-445-871 and PID 012-051-888 (with no civic address) which makes up a total area of 70.8 hectares / 175.0 acres (approx.). The project is known as ‘Harrison Rise’, named for the fantastic views of Harrison Bay and Harrison Hill from the site.

View from the Site
The site is located in Lake Errock, Electoral Area C in Fraser Valley Regional District. It can be accessed through Lougheed Highway. At present, the parcels 43837 Lougheed Hwy (PID: 012-051-900) and PID: 013-445-871 are being used for gravel extraction operations under a Temporary Use Permit. The remainder of the site is characterized by relatively flat areas bisected by steep slopes, with parcels 43873 Lougheed Highway (PID – 013-445-901), PID – 012-051-853 and PID – 012-051-888 currently undeveloped lands.
The site is designated as “Limited Use” in the existing FVRD Bylaw No. 0020, 1998 for Electoral Area C which was adopted in 2000. The site also falls under R-2 (Rural) zone under FVRD Zoning Bylaw, To permit a residential development, a future land development application including Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning application would be required. We will work with FVRD diligently on the application process after the formal application will be submitted to the FVRD at later stage.
Project Goals
Ensure housing choices for residents of all ages, abilities and incomes by promoting innovation and diversity.
Develop a plan that delivers environmental, economic, and socially sustainable growth.
Achieve a delicate balance between new residential and potential commercial uses and the existing natural features.
Improve servicing in the area through Water, Sanitary, and Stormwater upgrades.
Acknowledge and maintain Indigenous Culture.
Provide local amenities, encourage walkability onsite, and promote an active lifestyle.
To find out more information, please visit our website below:
Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd
Samira Khayambashi, Planner | 604-639-3456